The Wolcott Food Pantry would like to thank the good folks that reside at Frisbie Circle for another year of sponsoring the ‘Frisbie Circle of Lights’ during the Christmas season. Many residents decorate their homes in lavish lighting and scenery to attract drive-thru traffic to view the homes adorned for the season.
They ask those that drive through to make a food or monetary donation which they in turn donate to the Wolcott Food Pantry. This year they brought in close to 1,500 lbs of food!
We‘d also like to thank one of the Pantry’s volunteers, Greg Fehrs (also a Frisbie Circle resident) for bringing the food from Frisbie Circle to the pantry on a regular basis. Greg has been a volunteer at the Pantry for many years and we are forever grateful for the time and energy he gives to the pantry.
Of course we ‘d like to thank the many residents that took the time to drive through and make a donation. You guys are the best!